STUDENT RESEARCHERS: Tyler Bracht, Jamie Craine, Alan Dang, Caitlin Dashiell, Shelby Harris, Clint Johnson, Eric Lawler, Jared Monce, Linh Ngo, Logan Richmond, Joel Sterling, Maeleen Taylor, Zach Young, Craig Zehr.
PROJECT STATUS: Working Prototype
DESCRIPTION: OCTOtopoAUTOmoto is an interactive wall system designed and fabricated by students in ARCH 498 at Ball State University over the span of five weeks. The project aims to interact
with users and the environment through the harvesting of data and the manipulating of physical form. The blooming prototypes can, at the moment interact through two forms of data:
1. Motion data from internal sensors;
2. Harvested weather data
Over five short weeks, student moved beyond design & fabrication and learned to program, build Arduino based robotics and create interactive systems which could be used both as facade elements or as an interactive installation.


Full Prototype v.1.0

v.1.0 in motion

Drive Motor Detail


Custom Electronics

v.1.0 in motion

Exploded Components


Single Flower

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